
Charity News

TECH-LONG's path of love originates from our mission as a supplier of bottled water production equipment. When we went into the mountainous areas to find pure and unpolluted water sources for our customers, we met with the children, and their clear and bright eyes made us realize that there are still countless children in the world who are in a difficult environment with endless desire for knowledge and want to change their destiny.
2024 06 24
The long road to education has been filled with love for students. Over the past decades, Tech-Long has always adhered to its original intention and always been grateful.
2023 11 15
Give roses to others and leave fragrance in your hands. Dedicate love and reap hope.
2023 11 15
As the global fight against the COVID-19 is about to see the brightness, the epidemic is not optimistic in India. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, two hundred thousand, up to three hundred thousand, every report, every number aroused the concern of hundreds of millions of people.
2023 07 21
Light up the students' hopes with love, and present gifts to the party's centenary birthday with compassion.
2023 11 15
Despite the seven-hour trek, the charity team of Tech-Long was enthusiastic to carry out the donation activities. Under the leadership of Mr. Zhang Chongming, the members of the charity team arrived at Dali primary school and Luona primary school in Dongshan Town, mile City, Yunnan Province.
2023 07 21
So far, Tech-Long has been quietly marching on the road of charity for more than 10 years.
2023 11 15
It was a sunny summer day. The luxuriant trees shielded the scorching heat. Led by Mr. Zhang Chongming, Tech-Long’s care action team finally arrived in Yongzhou, Hunan Province after an eight-hour drive to send summer gifts for the kids at Yao Township Wenming Elementary School, Henglin, Dao County and Yongjia Elementary School, Longbo Town, Shuangpai County.
2023 07 21
Plant a seedling, you will get a room of spring; while help a child, you will create a promising future. Tech-Long’s 2017 Charity Trip to Guangxi smoothly developed under expectation.
2023 07 21
We have love, we care our “future”. on the road of progress, Tech-long keeps focusing on the children in poor areas and encourgae them to bravely seek their dream.
2023 07 21
On September 9th,2015,the charitable activity that supporting the poor areas is held in Xiangxi.
2023 07 21
There was cheer coming out from Changshi Primary School time and time again, in Hukou Town Shaoguan City; it seemed to announce a beginning of new life. Spacious and well-lighted classroom, firmly windows, massy doors, boxes of brand new sports apparatus…,
2023 07 21
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