
Expo News

At a time when "controlling both the total amount and intensity of energy consumption" is gradually shifting to "controlling both the total amount and intensity of carbon emissions", accelerating a green-oriented transition has become a corporate consensus, and sustainable development is gradually moving from theory to practice.
2024 06 20
With in-depth promotion of the Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals, the pace of green and low-carbon transformation of economic society is accelerating and high technology is constantly being redefined; TECH-LONG unswervingly walks on the road to achieve dual carbon targets, setting the tendency of digitization and grasping the trend of the times.
2024 04 26
In March this year, TECH-LONG once again embarked on the journey of international exhibitions, adhering to the core concept of "Runs for You", in combination of strength and quality, to show the world the solid power of China's manufacturing, and to move towards a broader international arena.
2024 04 08
In the long river of time, we have passed the magnificent wave of 2023 and ushered in a new chapter of 2024. China's economy has recovered strongly, and all fields have witnessed vigorous development. In this year, China's beverage industry has also demonstrated unparalleled vitality and potential. Both the consumer market and industrial production have achieved significant growth. All brand enterprises and supplier enterprises have actively responded to market changes, promoting the beverage industry to move towards efficiency, sustainability and innovation.
2024 03 19
Dubai, this miracle in the desert, is not only an ancient city with thousands of years of culture, but also a city pearl with world-class modern urban facilities.
2023 11 14
In this autumn season, Tech-Long once again embarks on the journey of international exhibitions to demonstrate the solid power of Made in China with its strength and quality.
2023 11 14
When the National Day bell rings, the land of China is filled with endless joy and reunion.
2023 11 14
The current of the times is rushing forward, sustainable development has become a global trend, and environmental protection has become our common responsibility.
2023 11 14
Thousands of miles apart, China and Africa are closely connected. It has been more than 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Africa.
2023 11 14
The annual dairy industry event is like the blazing summer sun, lighting up the future of the entire industry.
2023 11 14
With the active adjustment of national economic policies in 2023, the spring of China's economy is coming to us. Benefiting from this trend, the beverage industry is also showing a steady recovery.
2023 11 14
After three years of absence, CBST2023 China International Beverage Industry Science and Technology Exhibition has arrived as scheduled. A three-day industry event will be held in Shanghai on April 7.
2023 11 14
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